Fueling early-stage innovation by providing
capital to promising early-stage startups

Openner Team
Track Record

Portfolio Value
$ 0 B+
Direct Investment
0 +
Accelerator Cycles
Startups Accelerated
0 +
Companies Built

Our Investment Rounds


Working/post-revenue product


Our investment criteria can be summarized
based on three key factors

Founders & Team

We are a founder-first entity, and we prioritize founder exceptionalism. If a founder has these factors in place, we’ll move to assessing whether the business itself has venture-backable potential


Whether they are pre-launch or revenue generating, we support our companies with building lovable products, generating revenue, and growing loyal customer bases


Our strategy is horizontally focused and we believe we can build industry winners across various sectors

Capital FAQs

a. Technology Support
b. Growth Support
c. Network Access
d. Strategic Advisory

We invest in founders from seed to pre-series A rounds. This critical period in a startup's development is filled with potential, challenges, and opportunities for growth. We believe that a strong founder-VC partnership during these early years can have a significant impact on a company's success.

We prioritize founder exceptionalism over every other investment criteria, so we’re not domain-specific. We feel most comfortable working alongside founders in many fields. We listen hard and learn fast.
We aim to do 6-10 deals per year.
We typically invest up to USD 500K. We also reserve capital to make follow-on investments in our portfolio companies at later stages.
We typically lead. And when we do, we roll up our sleeves and get the job done. But if there’s another VC that’s a better strategic fit, we’re more than happy to collaborate. We try to always prioritize what’s best for the founder and the company.

Initial Meeting: 30-45 min meeting with a member of the Openner investment team. Here we learn more about you and what you’re building and also introduce you to our fund. We can either walk through a deck or have a more free flowing conversation.

Deep Dive Meeting(s): 45-60 min sessions with different members of our team to dig deeper into further technical and business aspects and help founders get a better understanding of our fund. We’ll outline topics of discussion in advance to give you an idea of what we aim to discuss.

Diligence: We’ll dig deeper into the technology, data, and conduct reference calls with customers, peers, and prior investors. This phase will likely also involve further research and calls with the Openner investment team that follow-on from topics discussed in prior meetings.

Final Decision: We’ll have a final meeting with the investment committee. If we decide to invest, we kick off the process of preparing a term sheet for you. We’ll use this opportunity to fill in any gaps and we’ll communicate frequently throughout the process. Whether we invest or not, we’ll always try to send you in the right direction if we can.